“Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2” Review
Enter your own “Pooh” joke here.
So the internet hype train has brought us "Blood and Honey 2"... and while the film won't win any awards, the marketing team surely should. How a low budget cash grab movie that banks purely off the "Pooh" name has somehow become the talk of the town is definitely quite a feat.
Is this film simply a cheap horror movie with lots of blood and gore to at least please the most the die-hard of horror fans? Unfortunately, this is not a 'so bad it's good' flick - In fact it's the complete opposite. There is not a single redeeming quality about this film, let alone the franchise in general. Sitting through this mess will leave you absolutely restless, and questioning your own sanity.
The main character's actor has been replaced this go round, and has not improved anything on that front… "Christopher Robin" still manages to be one of the most unlikable and uninteresting portrayals of a character ever set to screen.
And this time - instead of settling into what we all know this movie is(a simple cheap horror gore-fest), it attempts a convoluted and terrible over the top plot that will keep you bored senseless.
There's a certain stigma around horror films being able to get away with a terrible story, terrible actors, and terrible writing... so long as the gore is good. Although I don't necessarily agree with this take, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 delivers all things listed above, along with a total lack of creativity, especially with the most important scenes - the kills. Poor CGI used in place of practical effects at times, and overall uninteresting, and forgettable kill moments.
The best part of this film was NOT when Pooh said 'It's Poohing time' but rather when the credits rolled and we were finally put out of our misery.
This film is not just an abomination in terms of the "Winnie the Pooh" name, but also to filmmaking in general.